
Friday 6 March 2015

Room 9's favorite sport

About Room 9

LI: WALT read information on a graph.

About this graph.

What does this graph show? It shows how many people like each sport.

What is one interesting piece of information you can read from this graph? In room 9 soccer is the most popular sport.

This is my graph and we had to tell questions to our classmates. We did this because we wanted to know what room 9 likes. We had to go to 3 groups and and choose a person we wanted to ask questions. I learned that soccer is the most popular sport in room 9 and rugby league has less likes. Netball, basketball and rugby has the same likes.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting post, Zahra. It's good that you wrote a detailed post about what you had to do.

    What did you learn about reading graphs? What do the numbers on the bottom axis mean?

    Next time, make sure you have consistent use of capital letters in your graph labels.
