
Sunday 9 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey - Day 4, Activity 2

For this activity I had to watch 2 trailers about a movie called Whale Rider. I then had to write a summary of the movie and rate it out of 5. 
This movie is about a girl whose twin brother was supposed to be titled as the next chief in their tribe. However, he did not survive but his sister survives. Males are only allowed to become chief's but the custom changed. I'd give this movie a 3 out of 5 because it is not in my liking. 


  1. Kia Ora, you have told what the movie was about correctly. Well done. This shows you have listened to the movie carefully. Keep up the stunning work.

  2. Hi Zahra
    Great summary of the movie whale rider. I wonder why only males were allowed to be chiefs (Maybe they thought the males were more suited to leadership roles?). Well done.

  3. Hello Zahra, I like how you have added most of the main points about the movie in your summary. I really like how in the movie they changed the custom and allowed women to become chiefs aswell. Keep on working hard.

  4. Namaste Zahra, I love it how you've added a great blurb saying what you had to do for the activity. Your summary is really superb to hear.
    Great Work.

  5. Hi Zahra. I agree with you this is a movie that I wouldn't watch. Great blogpost. I like how you have added in your blurb what you had to do for this activity. Keep up the hard work.

  6. Hi Zahra!

    Thanks for sharing your opinion on The Whale Rider, and that it is something that does notarially appeal to you. Its shows that you have thought about it and made a decision for yourself.

    Well done! Keep up the great work Zahra!

    Nicky :)
