
Monday 29 February 2016

Current Events challenge

This week we had to work on our can do challenges. This week I decided to do a current events challenge. We had to use the 5 ws to complete our challenge. I picked a story from Kiwi kids news and my story was the Cyclone Winston Devastated Fiji.

Click here to go to the Kiwi Kids Site.   

Friday 26 February 2016

Trust session

Yesterday the year 7's had a challenge with trusting. We choose a partner and we had to trust them on doing the right thing and they had to trust us doing the right thing as well. We guided them to go such places around the school and on the slides. At the end of the day we were all sweating and happy, the session was really fun. 


This year at tech we are learning to cook. It has been really fun in the past few weeks. Our teacher this year is Mrs Heka. This week we have made smoothies. We had to put in a mixture of ingredients and mix them. The final result of the smoothie was a really scrumptious pink mix of berries. In the end of the day we enjoyed making the smoothie and we went back to school.

Home learning - Taj Mahal

This is my home learning that I collaborated with my friend Zeba. I was amazed when 1,000 elephants were used to build the Taj mahal.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

What happens next?

 This is my reading task that I had to do this today and I predicted what will happen in the next part of the story.

Friday 19 February 2016

Kaleidoscope Art

This is my kaleidoscope. I think the colour are pretty good. I like the middle of the art because my name formed a cross.

Sydney Opera House

 This is my homework and I worked collaboratively with Mia. We had to find out about the Sydney Opera House and we had to use the Google maps to complete out home learning. I was shocked when it took 10,000 poeple to build the Sydney Opera House. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Stretching Sentences

This is my DLO that I did on stretching sentences. We had the 5 w's to stretch our sentences and it was really easy. The five W's are Who was the character, What happened, When did it happen, Where did it take part and Why did it happen.

TRUMP Poster

This is my trump poster that I made with Zeba, Mahdia, Oh Hsen and Javeylor. Trump stands for Thinking, Relating to others, Understanding, Managing self and participating. We showed this poster by taking photos relating to TRUMP. 

Friday 12 February 2016

Protech Maths

This is my Protech maths test and Protech is where you have to answer maths strategies you also get to choose what stage you like to be tested on. I choose stage 4 I had to answer half's, addition and subtraction strategy. Some strategies were hard because they had complicated questions.  

LS2 Class Reflection

LS2 Class Reflection

So far my I have been enjoying my class this year. I am a year 7 this year and I have been having fun. My teachers this year are Mrs Anderson, Miss Donaldson and Ms Kirkpatrick. It has been fun in my new classroom and I have been interacting with some new students. Something that I like about LS2 is that it's big and we have space to learn. I have been learning new writing skills like the stretching skill.   

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Finding out about LS2

Today in maths we did an activity to get to know more about classroom LS2. I worked with Nazella to make my chart. We went around the class asking LS2 what there favorite shop was and most of them picked warehouse. Cotton on was the least picked also was forever new.